Guest Post

  • Want to Guest Post at ZikkO's Info Blog? Here’s your chance!

    I’m looking for Guest Posts for my blog! I’ll take a leave from the blog and I am looking for a few bloggers to share amazing material with my readers. Here are the Guest Post guidelines:

    • Computer Tips & Tricks.
    • Social Media.
    • Mobile Gadgets.
    • Blogging Tips & Tricks.
    * no advertisements, no sponsored posts please.

    *Please, note that there is a difference
    between guest posts and sponsored posts.
    Guest posts are generally written by other
    bloggers and sponsored posts are written by,
    or on behalf of, a company or organization to
    advertise a free or paid service. Please visit
    this page for sponsorship details. We may not accept posts written on behalf of your
    company or client except you agree it’s a sponsored post.

    • Your post must be original and not previously published either on the Web or in print.
    • You agree not to publish it anywhere else, including your own blog or Web site. You may, however, post a brief “tease” or summary on your site that links to the post.
    • You may provide up to three byline links: one for your blog or Web site, one for your bio or About page, and one for your Twitter username (optional).
    • Your post should be at least 500 words long and no more than 1200 words.
    • I will likely copyedit your post for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. If I make substantive changes (unlikely), I will email the post back to you for your approval before posting.

    I understand the work that it takes to write a blog post. However, the fact that you have written a post and submitted it to me does not obligate me to publish it. The only guest posts I will publish are those that in my sole judgment add value to my readers.
    Furthermore, if I do not approve your guest post, I will not explain why I did not approve it or provide any detail. Frankly, that would take more time than I can afford.

    • If your post meets the above guidelines: Please email it to me for consideration at Don.ZikkO[at] or use the Contact Us Page.

    • Please confirm that you are willing to engage with my readers in the comments about your post. This is hugely important and a non-negotiable. My readers have come to expect this.
    • Please include the post in the body of the e-mail. DO NOT include it as an attachment. Also, please do not include HTML coding.
    • If I reject your post, you are obviously free to do whatever you want with it, including publishing it elsewhere. Also, please put your post in the body of the email rather than as an attachment.