May 8, 2012


Use QuickPull to routinely free BlackBerry memory

  • May 8, 2012
  • Don ZikkO
  • This is like a quick tip and an application post rolled into one. It’s an application called QuickPull, and it helps you free up BlackBerry memory by simulating a BlackBerry battery pull. I’ve seen other applications that do this, but none that have the features of this one. It’s basically a hassle-free way to make sure that your device is running at peak capacity at the times you need it most. It’s during the times that you don’t need it that QuickPull works its magic.

    What makes QuickPull stand apart is that it allows you to schedule recurring times to perform the hard reset. You can run it daily, or on certain days each week. These can run during your sleeping hours, so you won’t even notice that it has done its job.

    Sometimes, of course, you might be awake and working during those precious sleep hours. To that end, if QuickPull is scheduled to reboot your BlackBerry while you’re on the phone, it has the courtesy to wait until you’re done. Even then it prompts you and gives you the chance to abort. If QuickPull misses a scheduled reboot, it lets you know, too.

    Since the application’s main function is to fully clear your memory, it also prompts you to reset when your available memory dips below a certain percentage. This is a user-defined value, and you have the option to cancel it by pressing the escape key.

    Again, this is an application, but because it’s free it’s also a tip. You can get QuickPull at get or . They just upgraded the application for compatibility with OS 5.0. It also supports OS versions 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7.

    Don ZikkO my  BlackBerry pin » 215F5BDC
     2go Username » Biz2Get

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